Meeting Rooms

The Brunner room is being used for Quarantining items and there are limits on use of the Lee Room.
The meeting rooms are available to organizations that wish to promote an open forum for knowledge, ideas, and cultural enrichment.
The public meeting rooms are not available for fundraising or for-profit activities; purely social functions (e.g., receptions, birthday parties, showers, etc.), or activities that, by their nature are or could be disruptive to normal library operations (e.g., loud rallies or ceremonies). Noise resulting from public use of meeting rooms must fall within levels that are acceptable and consistent with normal library operations.
No sales are allowed on library property.
Meeting rooms are primarily designated for Library programs and use. When not in use by the Library, meeting rooms can be used by community groups and organizations.
Animals, with the exception of registered service animals, may not be brought onto library premises, unless part of a library-sponsored program.
User organizations agree to comply with copyright laws and will secure necessary performance licenses for DVD showings. The library will not be held liable for group violation of copyright law.
Food and non-alcoholic beverages may be served in the library meeting rooms. If there are spills or stains to carpet or furnishings, additional cleaning charges may be incurred.
There is a kitchenette in the meeting rooms which may be used if it is requested at the time of the reservations. Included are refrigerator, sink, and microwave. Users must provide their own utensils, plates, napkins, and drinkware.
The library is not responsible for equipment or material owned by a group or individual using library facilities. Equipment and materials owned by others may not be stored in the library.
No organization may list the address of any of the library locations as its official address, without permission from the library director.
At this time, there is no charge for the use of meeting room equipment. Equipment must be reserved at the time the room is reserved. If instruction in equipment operation is needed, a representative of the group must set up an appointment with the meeting room coordinator in advance of the scheduled meeting.